- Your role
- Safe and healthy work
- Creating a safe and healthy workplace
- Supporting mentally healthy workplaces
- Your mental health responsibilities at work
- Mental health initiatives
- Early intervention service pilot project
- Lead indicators mentoring program project
- Mental health coaching service (NewAccess workplaces) project
- Mental Health Community of Practice
- Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance
- Supporting workplaces to adopt better practice Employee Assistance Program services
- Psychological health and safety in the workplace training
- People at Work: a free evidence-based psychosocial risk assessment tool for workplaces
- Work-related mental health guidelines in General PRacticE (IMPRovE) project
- Mental health stigma in the workplace
- Mental Notes stigma awareness program
- How managers can support worker mental health
- Before Blue: Early intervention mental health support program
- Preventing harm and injury at work
- WHS laws are changing
- Conduct workplace inspections
- Physical hazards
- Chemical hazards
- Biological hazards
- COVID-19: Guidance and resources to manage work health and safety
- Seasonal hazards
- Ergonomic hazards
- Major hazard facilities
- Psychosocial hazards
- About psychosocial hazards
- Managing psychosocial hazards
- Job demands
- Fatigue
- Low job control
- Job insecurity
- Poor support
- Lack of role clarity
- Poor organisational change management
- Inadequate reward and recognition
- Poor organisational justice
- Traumatic events or materials
- Remote or isolated work
- Intrusive surveillance
- Poor physical environment
- Violence and aggression
- Bullying
- Harassment including sexual harassment
- Family and domestic violence at work
- Conflict or poor workplace relationships or interactions
- Who can help
- Office Safety tool
- Health monitoring
- Prevention Strategy
- Responding to an incident
- Licences, registrations and authorisations
- Notifications to Comcare
- Asbestos notifications
- Demolition works notification
- Hazardous chemicals notification
- Health monitoring report notification
- Incident notification
- Lead risk work notification
- Major hazard facility notification
- Engineered stone notifications
- Notification of air monitoring results – respirable crystalline silica (RCS)
- Asbestos and dust conditions
- Research and evidence
- Research plan
- Research projects
- Australia and New Zealand Research Collaboration
- Assessing return to work policy and practice (ComPARE) project
- Early intervention service pilot project
- Employer survey project
- Health service use of compensated workers with low back pain project
- Improving the health of Australian truck drivers project
- Lead indicator mentoring program
- Mental health coaching service (NewAccess workplaces)
- Reviewing cross sector income support systems project
- Safe Work Australia’s national return to work survey project
- Work-related mental health guidelines in General PRacticE (IMPRovE) project
- National Certificate of Capacity proof of concept
- New approaches to preventing workplace bullying
- Return to Work Pilot: EML Your Future program
- Building safety and integrity capability across the APS
- Workplace Research Monthly
- Evidence summaries
- Collaborative Partnership
- Claims and rehabilitation
- Make a claim
- Assessing claims
- If you disagree with a claim determination
- Supports for your recovery and benefits
- Getting you back to work
- Roles in the claims process
- Employer information on claims and rehabilitation
- Claims information for employers
- Rehabilitation information for employers
- Return to work process for employers
- Access your claims performance information
- Providing suitable employment
- Providing reasonable adjustments
- Injury management advisory service
- Case conferences
- Rehabilitation management system and auditing
- Delegated claims management arrangements
- Statutory rates for compensation
- Claims and rehabilitation forms
- Service providers
- Scheme and legislation
- About the Comcare scheme
- Scheme performance
- Premium paying agencies
- Self-insured licensees
- Recovering our costs
- Regulator Performance Guidance
- Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (SRC Act)
- Work Health and Safety Act (WHS Act)
- Asbestos-related Claims (Management of Commonwealth Liabilities) Act (ARC Act)
- About us
- About Comcare
- Careers
- Contacts
- Forms and publications
- Governance and accountability
- Annual report
- Corporate plan
- Service charter
- Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of information disclosure log
- Gifts and benefits register
- Indexed lists of agency files (Harradine report)
- Privacy impact assessment register
- Senate Order for entity contracts
- Documents unavailable for download
- Statement of Intent
- Commonwealth Child Safe Framework - Statement of Compliance
- News and events
- News
- Keynote speakers announced for Comcare National Conference
- WHS charges over detention centre death (Media release)
- Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards Winners announced
- WHS charges over incident at Mint (Media release)
- Provide feedback on Comcare’s redesigned Virtual Office tool (News)
- Give feedback on Virtual Office Beta site
- Release of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Definition of ACT Employee – COVID-19 Emergency Response Volunteers) Declaration 2021
- Promising results in Comcare rollout of workplace mental health program
- Defence charged over death of RAAF member (Media release)
- Ombudsman report on medical examinations
- New Permanent Impairment Guide in effect from 1 April 2023
- Nominations open for the 2023 Comcare National Work Health and Safety Awards
- Comcare’s instructor-led virtual training program for 2023 is available to enrol now
- Now Available: Work Demands practical guidance for employers, managers, and workers
- New Permanent Impairment Guide in effect from 1 April 2023
- New Commonwealth WHS laws
- New scheme guidance for claims managers
- Updated self-paced training on the permanent impairment provisions now available
- GP Principles now in the RACGP curriculum and syllabus
- Essential Good Work Design resources for managers and supervisors
- Thales fined over Bendigo fatality
- Release of new statutory rates
- Release of new workplace rehabilitation provider fee rates
- Cleanaway charged over Canberra WHS incident
- Company fined over safety breaches at army base
- Free webinar: Supporting clients/patients with PTSD to participate in good work
- ANAO audit – Comcare claims management
- Comcare launches mental health-related stigma awareness program
- Registrations open for Comcare's upcoming webinar on Regulatory Priorities and Incident Management
- Legacy and Research Reports from the Collaborative Partnership to improve work participation now available
- Good Work Design micro learns now available
- WHS charge after soldiers attacked by crocodile
- What’s important to Comcare’s new CEO, Greg Vines
- Defence charged over double road fatality
- New Life Tables - Redemption arrangements Section 137 of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988
- Comcare awards recognise WHS innovation
- Employer feedback guiding our work
- Upcoming webinar: Strategies to support work participation for clients/patients living with chronic pain
- Updated handbook for Commonwealth Health and Safety Representatives
- Good work design team talks now available
- New scheme guidance for claims managers
- Statutory timeframes for decisions under the SRC Act
- Charges over psychosocial risks to ADF member
- Return To Work Pilot confirms positive outcomes
- WHS charge for Cleanaway after Sydney fire
- Comcare to receive federal funding for the Building safety and integrity capability across the APS program
- Comcare’s ICT and Digital Strategy 2028 released
- Release of new statutory rates under the SRC Act
- Release of new workplace rehabilitation provider fee rates
- Early bird tickets extended for Comcare National Conference
- Get Free Access to eLearning
- New Guide for Arranging Rehabilitation Assessments and Requiring Examinations
- Read the Comcare Work Health and Safety Year in Review 2023
- Indexation of penalty amounts under the WHS Act
- New eLearn: the Health and Safety Representative role - an introduction
- Safety charge over Questacon injuries
- Interventions to reduce workplace sexual harassment
- Comcare releases latest annual report and corporate plan
- WRPs can now submit invoices to Comcare via Tyro Health
- New Commonwealth Code of Practice in force
- The Before Blue mental health coaching for employees. Available now to APS agencies in the Comcare Scheme
- Transport company charged over worker injuries
- New exemption for the reinstallation of engineered stone
- Company fined over Sydney fire, injuries
- National WHS awards nominations open
- New WHS Code of Practice for Commonwealth workplaces
- Undertaking to deliver national WHS initiatives
- Events
- Social media
- Comcare eNews
- News
- Organisational structure
- Our diversity program
- Training and learning
- Consultations
- conference_redirect
- Office Safety tool
- Spaces & rooms
- Roles
- Workplace safety
Page last reviewed: 15 December 2019