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Resources for healthcare professionals

Assessing capacity for work

Assessing functional capacity to work for psychological conditions

The webinar co-developed by the Mental Health Professionals’ Network and Comcare provides participants with the skills and knowledge to support those who experience psychological injuries to participate in ‘good work’ that supports their mental health and wellbeing.

Assessing capacity for patients

Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Dielle Felman provides information and recommendations for assessing work capacity for patients with a psychological condition.

Adapted for national use with the support of WorkSafe Victoria.

Working with mental health conditions

Medical practitioners are increasingly required to diagnose, treat and assess work-related mental health conditions. The following resources are useful guides:

Psychological assessment: Assessing a patient's capacity for work

Factsheet to assist GPs to assess a patient’s functional capacity to work.

Download the factsheet - Psychological assessment: Assessing a patient's capacity for work
(PDF, 85.5 KB)

Supporting work participation

Realising the health benefits of work

Comcare recognises that work is good for health and wellbeing and long-term absence, disability and unemployment can have a negative impact on health and wellbeing.

Download the publication – Australian and New Zealand Consensus Statement of the Health Benefits of Work, Position Statement: Realising the health benefits of work

Principles on the role of the GP in supporting work participation

Factsheet explaining the principles that relate to GP interactions with individuals experiencing temporary or permanent, physical or psychological health or disability related barriers to participating in work.

Download the factsheet - Principles on the role of the GP in supporting work participation
(PDF, 1.4 MB)

Facilitating good work for your patient

Factsheet to assist GPs to speak with patients about the role of good work in their recovery including identifying what makes good work and advising the employer on required adjustments to support participation in good work.

Download the factsheet - Facilitating good work for your patient (PDF, 93.5 KB)

Return to work

Publication on the benefits of good work for mental and physical health. This resource explains the importance of getting people back to work as soon as it is safe to do so, as good work can help in recovery from injury and illness.

Download the publication - Return to work (PDF, 702.9 KB)

Collaborating with the workplace to enable good work for your patient/client

The webinar co-developed by the Mental Health Professionals’ Network and Comcare discusses how clinicians can support those who experience mental health conditions by facilitating their participation in, and return to, work.

Supporting clients/patients with PTSD to participate in good work

The webinar co-developed by the Mental Health Professionals’ Network and Comcare discusses how healthcare professionals can enhance their ability to support people with PTSD to participate in meaningful work that promotes their mental health and wellbeing.

Strategies to support work participation for clients/patients living with chronic pain

The webinar co-developed by the Mental Health Professionals’ Network and Comcare discusses strategies for healthcare professionals to assist clients/patients with chronic pain to participate in work that benefits their health and wellbeing.

Managing work-related injuries

Medical assessor training  - Introduction to the assessment of the degree of permanent impairment

Comcare has designed an e-learn product to assist medical assessors undertaking an assessment of the degree of permanent impairment under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (the SRC Act).

Find out more about the Medical Assessor training on our Training page.

A guide for General Practitioners to manage work related injury

A guide to help GPs manage the recovery pathway for an injured worker and provide key timeframes to consider within the claims process.

Download A guide for General Practitioners to manage work related injury (PDF, 104.5 KB)

Recovery and return to work

A suite of resources for employees and employers to better understand the return to work process and support injured workers to recover and return to work.

Explore recovery and return to work resources

Certificate of Capacity

Information about completing a Certificate of Capacity including templates.

Explore Certificate of Capacity

Page last reviewed: 12 March 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 27 Mar 2025