Access to our Brisbane, Canberra and Melbourne offices is currently restricted. To visit us at these locations, call 1300 366 979 to arrange an appointment.
New HSR Handbook available now.
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Use our Office Safety Tool to help identify risks and hazards in your workplace or home office.
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Find out how to make a workers’ compensation claim for a work-related injury or psychological illness.
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Now available to help assess the degree of permanent impairment under the SRC Act.
The Psychosocial Inspection Program supports employers to maintain psychosocially safe and healthy workplaces.
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Build your network and find out more on how to achieve your workplace safety, compensation and rehabilitation objectives at one of our events.
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Please complete this form if you have knowledge or reason to believe a Comcare workers’ compensation recipient, service provider, contractor or employee has been involved in fraudulent or corrupt conduct. You may remain anonymous if you wish.
Information relating to fraud against other Government entities must be reported to those entities. Further details are provided on the fraud page.
This information will help with identifying the person or organisation and information of interest in relation to the alleged fraud
Comcare may contact you to clarify the information you provide or request additional information.
Please note Comcare is unable to advise you of the actions it undertakes as a result of the information you provide. This is due to the secrecy provisions in the laws Comcare is bound by including the Privacy Act 1988.