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Family Support Framework - anonymous feedback

Before you start

Use this form to give feedback anonymously on Comcare’s implementation of the Family Support Framework. This includes the introduction of a Family Liaison Officer to support families through the Comcare investigation process following a workplace fatality or serious injury.

If you would like to be contacted about your feedback, please indicate on the form below, noting you will need to provide your personal details so we can get in touch and your feedback will no longer be anonymous.

Your feedback is important to us and helps us understand where we can improve. You may wish to give feedback on the following topics:

  • Family support information guides (that is, content and delivery)
  • Experience with the Family Liaison Officer
  • General feedback on your experience.

Would you like to be contacted about this feedback?

Please provide your contact details:

You can also email us at

Feedback submission

Please review the information you have supplied.

You will be able to print a copy of the form after submitting your form.

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 03 Jul 2024