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Regulator Performance Guidance

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

The Regulator Performance Guidance (RMG – 128) assists Comcare to perform its regulatory functions.

About the Guidance

The Department of Finance Resource Management Guide 128 Regulator Performance Guidance (RPG) is part of the Commonwealth Resource Management Framework that governs how officials in the Commonwealth public sector use and manage public resources.

The RPG requires reporting by regulators against three principles of regulator best practice through corporate plans and annual reports. The three principles are:

  1. Continuous improvement and building trust
  2. Risk based and data driven
  3. Collaboration and engagement

Comcare are committed to applying the 3 principles of regulatory best practice through delivery of our strategy and regulatory operations, as required by the RPG. This commitment has been formalised through the Ministerial Statement of Expectation issued to Comcare and our corresponding Regulatory Statement of Intent.

Comcare’s Corporate Plan 2024-25 (PDF, 2.8 MB) contains revised performance measures and targets for 2024–25 that consider linkages to the 3 principles of best practice.

Reporting on these principles of best practice can be found in Comcare’s Annual Report.

Page last reviewed: 13 January 2025

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 12 Mar 2025