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New approaches to preventing workplace bullying

We're developing an evidence-based toolkit of approaches to preventing or addressing workplace bullying.

Six key workplace bullying prevention factors

As part of this project, researchers at Edith Cowan University identified 6 key factors commonly in place in organisations that are successful in stamping out or alleviating workplace bullying

Read Workplace bullying: six key prevention factors.

Project overview

While most workers behave respectfully, workplace bullying remains a concern across Comcare’s jurisdiction.

In 2020–21, one-third of mental stress claims in the Comcare scheme related to bullying and harassment. Given the requirement under the WHS Regulations for employers to control psychosocial risks in workplaces, bullying is a key hazard for organisations to identify and manage.

Tackling workplace bullying is a complex challenge, especially considering hybrid working arrangements. It calls for commitment and new approaches.

This project involves:

  • investigating the existing evidence base around the organisational and individual risk and protective factors for bullying, including effective interventions
  • developing a toolkit of evidence-based initiatives for the prevention of workplace bullying.

Project status

In progress: Toolkit trial

We’ve developed the toolkit and are working with select employers to trial it in 2024.

Complete: Research phases

Our research partner, the University of South Australia’s International Centre for Allied Health Evidence, completed the first phase of work. The Centre completed a literature review that examined the individual and organisational risk and protective factors for bullying, interventions that can decrease the incidence of bullying in the workplace, and the experience of bullying during home-based work periods.

Building on this initial work, we partnered with Edith Cowan University to undertake the next phase of the project.

Their scoping review, New Approaches to the Prevention of Workplace Bullying: A Scoping Literature Review and Evidence Guide, identified 6 key factors common to organisations that succeed in stamping out or alleviating workplace bullying.

Project participants

Project lead

  • Comcare

Other organisations involved

  • Employers within the Comcare scheme
  • University of South Australia
  • Edith Cowan University

Findings and reports

Literature Review: Working from home (WFH) and workplace bullying – Overview (PDF, 919.4 KB)

Workplace bullying: six key prevention factors (PDF, 1.5 MB)

More information

For more information on this research project, please contact

Page last reviewed: 02 July 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025