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National Certificate of Capacity proof of concept

The National Certificate of Capacity (NCC) Project trialled a standardised Certificate of Capacity.

Project update

  • The NCC Project trialled the digital implementation of a standardised electronic certificate of capacity.
  • It demonstrated that certificates could be successfully delivered from General Practitioners (GPs) to the insurer in near-real time (within 15 minutes).
  • The GPs interviewed as part of the evaluation were very positive about the certificate and found many features of the digital certificate very useful. Of the GPs interviewed:
    • 87% reported they used the hover over prompts for selecting the certificate jurisdiction
    • 75% found the decision support prompts somewhat or extremely helpful, and
    • 69% of GPs found the inclusion of classification prompts for accurate diagnosis on the digital form somewhat or extremely helpful.
  • When asked to score how likely they were to use a digital form in the future, on average, GPs indicated a score of 4 out of 5.
  • Selection of the appropriate jurisdiction proved challenging for GPs. A future solution would need to use a unique identifier or portal to ensure that data is delivered to the correct insurer.

The objectives of the project were to:

  • Pilot a digital implementation of a NCC Form.
  • Engage a small set of GP clinics nationally.
  • Comprehensively evaluate the pilot over a period of six months to assess the improved speed of delivery, efficiency of the document transfer and changes in certification practices.


Project lead

  • Comcare

Other organisations involved

  • Northern Territory WorkSafe
  • Department of Veteran's Affairs
  • Telstra Health
Page last reviewed: 09 June 2023

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025