Research projects
View the research projects that Comcare is leading or is involved in, grouped by the research themes which are identified in our Research plan.
Enabling safe and healthy work
Preventing workplace harm in all forms is the cornerstone of enabling safe and healthy workplaces. A feature of safe and healthy workplaces is when leaders and workers understand their duties and obligations, including responding to physical and psychosocial hazards and risks.
- Employer survey project
- Improving the health of Australian truck drivers project
- Addressing Psychosocial Risks and Work Design Deficiencies in the Workplace – a Comcare X SuperFriend Workshop Report.
Facilitating mentally healthy workplaces
Thriving organisations support worker mental health and wellbeing. Psychological safety is fostered when leaders drive positive workplace cultures that protect workers from harm, support and respond to mental ill health or distress, and promote the positive aspects of work.
- Lead indicator mentoring program
- Mental health coaching service (NewAccess workplaces) project
- Work-related mental health guidelines in General PRacticE (IMPRovE) project
- New approaches to preventing workplace bullying
- Building safety and integrity capability across the APS – a Capability Reinvestment Fund initiative.
Fostering work participation
Good work supports worker health, wellbeing, engagement and productivity. Providing good work that is person-centric and tailored to match the current capability and capacity of workers; maximises retention, recovery at and return to work.
- Assessing return to work policy and practice (ComPARE) project
- Early intervention service pilot project
- Health service use of compensated workers with low back pain project
- Reviewing cross sector income support systems project
- Safe Work Australia's national return to work survey project
- National Certificate of Capacity proof of concept
- Return to Work Pilot: EML Your Future program
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data partnership
A multi-year exploratory research project to analyse and investigate emerging trends using deidentified data provided by Comcare, comparing these data sets to general Australian population health data. Read the summary of key findings (PDF, 226.5 KB) .
Adapting to the future of work
Responding to evolving work practices and environments requires ongoing curiosity, agility, and responsibility by organisations and workers. Sustainable organisations will foresee and mitigate future risks and seize opportunities to innovate, whilst keeping worker needs front‑of‑mind.