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Poor organisational change management

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

Change is constant and can bring positive results for organisations and workers such as increased productivity, clarity of role and work satisfaction. Change can also be challenging and can affect morale and engagement if it isn’t managed well.

What is poor organisational change management?

Examples of poor organisational change management may include:

  • Insufficient consultation
  • Insufficient consideration of new hazards or performance impacts when planning for, and implementing, change
  • Insufficient support, information or training during change.
  • Not communicating key information to workers during periods of change.

In times of change, it’s important to consider your work health and safety management systems and integrate these into the change process to monitor and prevent risks to workers.

Workers are more likely to embrace change when it is supported by consultation and effective communication, and this can improve health and productivity.

Comcare has developed a self-assessment tool to help employers manage the risks associated with organisational change: Reducing the psychosocial risks of workplace change (PDF, 765.4 KB)

Machinery of Government changes

Comcare’s work health and safety jurisdiction is uniquely impacted by organisational change associated with Machinery of Government (MoG).

These are major decisions around restructuring – including creating or abolishing entities and moving and changing agency functions – and they can have health and safety consequences for workers.

Australian Public Service employers need to consider and effectively manage the health and safety risks associated with implementing MoG changes. Agencies must be aware of their WHS responsibilities – appropriately identifying hazards, particularly psychosocial hazards, carrying out risk assessments and implementing mitigation processes.

Section 47 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 requires employers to consult, so far as is reasonably practicable, with workers who are (or are likely to be) directly affected by a health and safety matter.

During MoG changes, consultation should focus on how the changes are going to be implemented, and there should be ongoing communication and consultation with workers throughout the transition to their new work arrangements.

Situations and environments impacting workers’ health and safety may include:

  • Taking on new roles and relationships
  • Merged organisational cultures
  • Changed workplace expectations
  • Increased workload
  • New approaches to work
  • Voluntary or involuntary redundancies.

Comcare has updated resources and guidance material available to help employers ensure their workplaces remain healthy and safe during this time, including the self-assessment tool (above) and this factsheet: People matters with Machinery of Government (PDF, 552.8 KB)

Impact of poor organisational change management

Poor change management can lead to psychological injures and other adverse health outcomes, as well as reduced productivity.

During change, it is important for organisations to focus on these key elements to help protect workers from psychological harm:

  • Consultation
  • Prevention
  • Early intervention
  • Recovery at and return to work
  • Leadership.

Poor organisational change management has been identified as a hazard in the Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work Code of Practice 2024.

This guidance will help you meet your obligation under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011.

Page last reviewed: 04 November 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 25 Mar 2025