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People at Work: a free evidence-based psychosocial risk assessment tool for workplaces

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

Building and fostering a mentally healthy workplace is good for business and worker health and wellbeing.

The People at Work psychosocial risk assessment tool is validated, evidence-based, robust and free for all Australian businesses. It will help you identify key psychosocial hazards in the workplace and give you guidance on practical ways to manage them.

This free risk assessment tool, supported by Australian WHS regulators, helps workplaces better identify and manage risks to psychological health.

Comcare’s People at Work factsheet (PDF, 954.3 KB) provides workplaces with more information about this digital tool and answers some frequently asked questions.

Through People at Work, resources are provided to help workplace leaders:

  • prepare for and roll out the People at Work survey
  • interpret the survey results
  • take action based on the survey results.

What does the People at Work survey measure?

The survey looks in detail at the different psychosocial hazards and factors in a workplace such as bullying, harassment or workload stressors. It also measures health and business outcomes such as burnout, psychological distress, sprains and strains, and worker intentions.

The hazards measured by People at Work are based on decades of research highlighting the factors that influence worker psychological health and safety. The psychosocial hazards are also based on guidance from Safe Work Australia.

More information

If you do have any questions about the tool, contact

Page last reviewed: 14 March 2023

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025