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Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

Comcare is an active partner of the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance.

The Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance (Alliance) is partnering with all employers to create mentally healthy workplaces that strengthen our community and our economy – improving the mental health of our nation.

The Alliance consists of national organisations from the business, union, community and government sectors leading change to promote and create mentally healthy workplaces.

Initiatives of the Alliance

National Workplace Initiative

In 2019-20, the Australian Government announced an investment of $11.5 million over 4 years for the National Workplace Initiative (NWI).

A unique feature of the NWI is that it was initiated by the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance. The National Mental Health Commission, an Alliance member, is leading the NWI.

While managed by the National Mental Health Commission, the Alliance continues to guide the National Workplace Initiative and provide expert advice on its implementation.

The National Workplace Initiative aims to:

  • create an evidence-based framework for workplace mental health strategies
  • help people at work and those connected to them find suitable initiatives and resources
  • showcase successful approaches to mentally healthy workplaces
  • strengthen the many programs and interventions already underway in Australia.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces digital platform

The Mental Health Commission has developed the Mentally Healthy Workplaces digital platform in conjunction with the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance. The platform has been developed as a “one stop shop” for information and resources that helps organisations build mentally healthy workplaces.

More information

For more information, visit the National Mental Health Commission’s website for details on the National Workplace Initiative.

Page last reviewed: 21 November 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025