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High risk work licence

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

High risk work licences (HRWL) are issued to workers who carry out high risk work activities. We currently only issue HRWL to members of the Australian Defence Force.

How to apply

Applications for a HRWL to carry out high risk work activities can be made through Comcare’s Employee Portal.

You should access the Employee Portal if you need to:

  • apply for a new Commonwealth HRWL
  • apply for a renewal of your existing Commonwealth HRWL
  • apply for a transfer of a State Regulator issued licence
  • apply for a class edition on your existing Commonwealth HRWL
  • apply for a replacement Commonwealth HRWL
  • update Comcare of any changes to your personal details.

New applications must be made within 60 days of the training certification (notice of assessment) being issued.

Documents you may require

You will be prompted to provide these documents where required within the Employee Portal as part of your relevant application:

Example of an identity photo of a young fair woman with blue eyes wearing a blue shirt 

*Your recent electronic photo must be:

  • a colour photo
  • from the shoulders up
  • looking at the camera with a neutral expression
  • against a white background
  • a clear, sharp and focused image with no shadows or glare
  • no more than 1MB in file size.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I sign up to the Employee Portal with my personal email address?

No. You must sign up to the Employee Portal using your email address.

Do I need to verify my identity to use the Employee Portal?

Yes. Once you have created your account you will be prompted to complete a short identify verification exercise. You will need two different forms of government issued ID.

A full list of these is available during the verification process.

Why does Comcare need me to verify my identity?

The requirement to verify your identity is to protect your HRWL information. Comcare need to be certain that you are who you say you are.

Does Comcare store my personally identifiable information?

No. Comcare does not store the personally identifiable information you provide during the identity verification process. The service that performs the verification check has been through a rigorous security assessment by Comcare and looks up the provider of your chosen identity to check in real-time without storing your details.

Can I save my progress and complete my application later?

Yes, the HRWL application saves the information you provide each time you click 'Next'. You can come back to continue your application at a later stage by clicking the down arrow next to your application in the 'My applications' section of the Employee Portal.

If you have provided your contact details, for example, but need to save your progress to collate and upload your personal identification details, you can click 'Save and Close'. You can then come back to continue submitting your application at a later stage.

What file types can be uploaded during the application process?

The Employee Portal accepts these file types:

  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • pdf
  • doc
  • docx

If I already have a HRWL can I manage it within the Employee Portal?

Once you have created your account and verified your identity, you will be able to 'Link' your HRWL to the account you have created from the Employee Portal.

How do I pay for my HRWL application?

During the HRWL application, you will have the option to pay for the HRWL yourself or request your employer to pay for you.

Does Comcare store my credit card details?

No. Comcare does not store your credit card details. This is handled by an approved service provider who securely processes your payment.

What is a Payment Officer?

The Payment Officer is the person within your organisation who is responsible for reviewing your HRWL application to ensure all the information and documents provided meet Comcare’s requirements to process your HRWL application.

If 'Employer to Pay' is selected, the Payment Officer you nominate will also be responsible for paying for your HRWL application.

Can I nominate myself as the Payment Officer?

No. The online HRWL application form will prevent you from adding yourself as the Payment Officer.

How will Comcare notify me if they require more information to assess my HRWL application?

If Comcare requires more information to assess your HRWL application, they will send you a message within the Employee Portal explaining the information that is needed.

You will also receive an email informing you that you have a message in the Employee Portal to view.

Help and support

If you are unable to apply through the Employee Portal:

  • call Comcare on 1300 366 979 (press 2 for WHS and then 2 for HRWL enquiries)
  • email Comcare at


Comcare may grant an exemption from the requirements to hold a HRWL.

Before you apply for an exemption, we recommend you read the Regulatory guide - High risk work licence exemptions, which includes further information about this exemption and the application process.

Page last reviewed: 05 May 2023

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 14 Mar 2025