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Prohibited and restricted carcinogens authorisation

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

The ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU) and their workers must have Comcare authorisation to use, handle, or store prohibited or restricted carcinogens.


The PCBU at a workplace is responsible for applying for the authorisation.

Authorisation is necessary so that Comcare can apply resources and target compliance and enforcement actions to those areas of greatest risk to health and safety.

The use, handling and storage of prohibited or restricted carcinogens are covered in schedule 10 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (WHS Regulations).

How to apply

To apply, submit the Authorisation to Use, Handle or Store Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogens application form (PDF, 114.8 KB).

A separate application must be completed for each carcinogen at the workplace.

Conditions of authorisation

Comcare may authorise a person to use, handle or store:

  • a prohibited carcinogen only if it will be used, handled or stored for genuine research or analysis
  • a restricted carcinogen only if it will be used, handled or stored only for a use referred to in schedule 10 of the WHS Regulations.

A person who applies for an authorisation to use, handle or store a carcinogen must have the appropriate delegation from the responsible agency or organisation.

An authorisation is valid for an unrestricted duration, unless the authorisation is cancelled by Comcare.

A decision to cancel an authorisation is a reviewable decision.

At end of the worker's employment

At the end of the worker’s employment, the PCBU must give them a written statement to the worker containing:

  • the name of the prohibited or restricted carcinogen to which the workers may have been exposed during their employment
  • the time the worker may have been exposed
  • how and where the worker may obtain records of the possible exposure
  • whether the worker should undertake regular health assessments, and the relevant tests to undertake.

When information changes

You must advise Comcare in writing of any changes to the information provided in your application form.

This information should be provided prior to the change or as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the change.

Page last reviewed: 16 June 2023

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025