Good lighting in workplaces is essential to enable people to see clearly and perform work safely. Commonly meeting rooms will have adjustable lighting for the task.
- Turn on the lights in meeting spaces.
- Have light switches near the entry door.
- Allow your eyes to adjust to the light level.
Potential harm
- Slips, trips and falls
- Eye discomfort
Identified hazards and controls
Visual discomfort
- Light level too low or too bright during meetings.
What workers can do
- If lighting is adjustable, ask those attending the meeting about the appropriate level of lighting.
- Be aware of people with a vision impairment.
What employers can do
- Install adjustable lighting options, including zone light switches, curtains or blinds.
Tripping over in the dark
- Unable to see obstacles, such as chair legs, when entering the room.
What workers can do
- Turn on the light before entering.
- Wait for your eyes to adjust if necessary.
What employers can do
- Install light switches near the entry door.
- Install motion sensors to trigger lights when people enter.
More information
- Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 – Refer to part 3.2, division 2 General working environment.
Page last reviewed: 16 May 2021