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Electrical hazards

Meeting rooms contain power points and possibly a phone, electronic whiteboard or video conferencing tools, such as monitors and camera. Some have all the computer connections switched on through a console in the table.


  • Inspect cables and cords before use.
  • Remove power cords by the plug.
  • Turn off the power point before inserting or removing plugs.
  • Ensure electrical items are tested and tagged.

Potential harm

  • Electrical shocks

Identified hazards and controls

Faulty electrical equipment


  • Electronic equipment used in meeting rooms, including projection and video equipment, laptops, power boards and electrical cabling, become faulty.

What workers can do

  • Always switch off power points before plugging in an electrical appliance.
  • Don’t ‘piggyback’ power boards or double adaptors.
  • Report any issues with damaged electrical equipment.

What employers can do

  • As a person conducting a business or undertaking, you must manage risks to health and safety associated with electrical risks at the workplace, in accordance with Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011, regulation 147.
  • Organise regular testing by a qualified electrician, to detect electrical faults and deterioration that cannot be detected by visual inspection.
  • Keep cables, leads and conduits away from walkways where they may become damaged.
  • Where leads and cables must be located where people gather or work, secure them appropriately, such as with cable runs or tape, to protect them from damage and to prevent tripping.
Page last reviewed: 17 May 2021

Comcare (Office Safety tool)
GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 10 Mar 2025