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Drivers, riders and pedestrians

Parking areas are shared used spaces with pedestrian, bike and car traffic. All users need to be aware of each other and give way when required. Children, older people, and people with a disability may not be able to get out of the way of cars or bikes quickly.


  • Separate pedestrians, bikes and cars.
  • Provide clear signage on maximum speed, location of exits, flow of traffic, and the level users are on in multi-storey car parks.
  • Install speed calming devices.

Potential harm

  • Pedestrian or bike rider injury
  • Potential fatality

Identified hazards and controls

Accidents involving car park users


  • Driver, bike rider or pedestrian distracted or inattentive to other users.
  • Poor visibility.
  • Failure to separate pedestrians, bike riders and cars.

What workers can do

As a driver
  • Concentrate on your surroundings and drive slowly in car parks. Be especially attentive as you search for a car park or exit sign, and when you near the end of your journey and start to think about what you are going to do next.
  • Pay attention to areas outside your direct line of sight, such as spaces between parked cars and behind walls.
  • Take notice of pedestrian walkways, bike pathways and exclusion zones marked out on the floor of the car park.
  • Always check behind your car before and after starting your journey.
As a bike rider
  • Take notice of others around you and look out for cars, other bike riders and pedestrians.
  • Ride slowly as you enter and move though parking areas.
  • Use designated bike pathways or lanes, if provided, as they separate bikes from other modes of transport.
  • Observe relevant signage and bike zones, if applicable.
  • Be aware of areas where you do not have direct line of sight.
  • Always wear high visibility clothing and a helmet, when riding in a car park.
  • Do not listen to music or other audio while riding or walking your bike in parking areas. You need to see and hear what is happening around you, including car signals and voices.
As a pedestrian
  • Be aware of your surroundings and look out for cars and bikes.
  • Walk within designated pedestrian zones, if provided. These could be painted on the ground or marked out with bollards or fencing.
  • Avoid looking at or listening to a device while you walk. You need to see and hear what is happening around you.
  • Anticipate that car drivers and bike riders may not see you as they are often focused on looking for a parking space or exit. Be prepared to wait a few extra seconds before you continue walking.

What employers can do

  • If you, as the employer, do not own or manage the car or bike park used by your workers, discuss any safety issues with the owner.
  • If you own or manage the car or bike park, provide clear instructions on maximum speed limits and other relevant signage at entrances and throughout the parking area.
  • Use speed calming devices, such as speed humps or strategically placed bollards, to keep speeds to the maximum limit.
  • Provide pedestrian walkways and bike pathways that are separate from vehicle traffic.
  • Allow riders to safely store bikes. Separate the bike storage area from vehicle traffic. Bike riders should not have to cross the path of vehicle traffic to get to elevators or stairwells when accessing and leaving the bike storage area.
  • Provide bike riders with clear signage on the routes to follow to reach bike storage areas.

More information



Page last reviewed: 24 April 2021

Comcare (Office Safety tool)
GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025