Our Work

We're contributing to the evidence base to improve work participation for every Australian.

Everything we do is geared towards improving social, health and economic outcomes for people with a health condition or disability through improved work participation, systems change, building capability among employers and workplaces, clarifying the role of the GP, and raising awareness about the benefits of good work.

Schemes and systems

Designing and trialling best practice approaches to improve work participation.

We identified the main drivers, connections and pathways between Australia’s major income and benefit support systems to identify opportunities to improve the experiences of people transitioning between systems to enable improved work participation for people with a health condition or disability.


  • Cross-Sector Systems
  • Measuring the movement of people between systems
  • Supporting people moving between systems.

Learn more about schemes and systems

Employers and workplaces

Employers play an important role in improving work participation rates for people with a health condition or disability.

We undertook research to understand the behaviours, attitudes and intentions of employers in Australia towards recruiting, supporting and accommodating people with health conditions or disabilities.


  • Employer mobilisation project
  • Employee awareness project
  • National cross-sector scan and analysis of employment services.

Learn more about employers and workplaces


The General Practitioner plays a central role in the delivery of health care to the Australian community.

We developed Australia's first national principles to support general practitioners and relevant stakeholders to improve care coordination between the clinical environment, systems and workplaces.


  • GP support project.

Learn more about providers

Get involved

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