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Workplace rehabilitation services

For: Claimants Advocates

Workplace rehabilitation services are designed to help you recover at work or return to work.

About workplace rehabilitation services

Workplace rehabilitation services are tailored to your individual needs and depend on your rehabilitation goal.

Your goal may be to return to your role, return to a new role in your current workplace, or secure new employment at a new workplace.

Your rehabilitation goal and activities are informed by advice from your treating medical practitioners and health providers.

Who delivers the services

Workplace rehabilitation services can be delivered by a rehabilitation case manager from your organisation or a workplace rehabilitation provider.

Workplace rehabilitation providers are engaged to provide expert services when additional assistance to support your return to work is needed.

Your employer is responsible for engaging a workplace rehabilitation provider.

Types of services

Workplace rehabilitation services may include:

  • conducting specialised assessments of your functional capacity and workplace environment
  • assessing work requirements and potential suitable duties for returning to work
  • identifying the need for job modifications or equipment
  • arranging work trial placements and identifying retraining needs
  • developing and monitoring your rehabilitation program.

Benefits of services

Workplace rehabilitation services can help you:

  • improve your confidence and morale
  • gain independence and improve general wellbeing
  • get safely back to work as soon as possible
  • limit the possibility of long-term absence from work.

More information

If you have sustained a workplace injury or illness, find out more about:

Page last reviewed: 23 June 2023

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025