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Rehabilitation programs

For: Claimants Advocates

The rehabilitation program is designed to help you recover and return to health and work following a work-related injury or illness.

Rehabilitation programs explained

A rehabilitation program is designed to support your recovery and rehabilitation. It aims to:

  • assist you to remain at or return to work, and/or
  • maintain or improve your activities of daily living.

You must be consulted on the rehabilitation program. Your program’s development may involve discussion with your supervisor, rehabilitation case manager, treating medical practitioner and workplace rehabilitation provider.

Your rehabilitation program will contain a structured series of activities to help you recover. This activity plan is developed in consultation with you and your treating medical practitioner.

The rehabilitation program should:

  • be tailored, outcome-based and set clear steps to help you achieve a safe and lasting return to work
  • be developed using appropriate expertise, such as approved workplace rehabilitation providers
  • recognise your existing skills, experience and capabilities so that suitable duties can be found
  • if necessary, use retraining and redeployment when it is not possible for you to return to pre-injury duties.

Monitoring your progress

Your progress is reviewed regularly to ensure the program matches your needs at each stage of recovery. This is done by your rehabilitation case manager with the support of the workplace rehabilitation provider, if one has been engaged.

Monitoring will consider:

  • your injury and ongoing work capacity, and
  • the availability of suitable employment.

It may also include seeking information about:

  • medical issues or other barriers to your recover
  • the suitability of your work tasks or schedule
  • your participation in the program
  • your progress against agreed milestones
  • the level of supervisor and colleague support you are receiving.

When monitoring the rehabilitation program, your rehabilitation case manager should stay in regular contact with all parties to make sure everyone has completed what they agreed to do.

Page last reviewed: 15 July 2022

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025