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9. Percentage of claimants with >=10 days incapacity by mechanism of incident (CIS report)

For: Employers and managers

This report is part of our Customer Information System (CIS).

About the report

  • Description: This report highlights the number of claims with 10 or more incapacity days and the percentage of those claims with a registered Return-to-Work plan (RTW) with Comcare.
  • Access level required: Management level access.
  • Export options: .pdf, .rtf
  • Benefits: The indicator below measures the number of claimants, having had 10 or more days incapacity determined, who commenced a RTW plan determined in the period (or, having had at any time prior to the end of the period a RTW plan determined, have the 10th day of incapacity determined in the period) as a percentage of the number of claimants who had the 10th day of incapacity determined in the period.

    Percentage of claimants with >=10 days incapacity with a RTW Plan =(Number of claimants who, having had 10 or more days incapacity determined prior to the period, commenced a RTW plan that was determined in the period plus Number of claimants who, having the 10th day of incapacity determined in the period, also had at any time prior to or within the period commenced a RTW plan divided by Number of claimants who, in the period, reached the 10th day of incapacity * 100
  • Parameters: The number of claimants who, in the period, reached the 10th day of incapacity. The number of claimants who, having had 10 or more days incapacity determined prior to the period commenced a RTW plan that was determined in the period. The number of claimants who, having the 10th day of incapacity determined in the period also had at any time prior to or within the period commenced a RTW plan.

Fields in the report

Table 1: Description of the fields in the Percentage of claimants with more than or equal to 10 days incapacity by mechanism of incident report
Month or year The period other fields within report relate to.
Reaching 10 days incap Number of claimants who, in the period, reached the 10th day of incapacity.
Start RTWP prior 10 days Number of claimants who, having had 10 or more days incapacity determined prior to the period, commenced a RTW plan that was determined in the period.
Reach 10 days with a RTWP Number of claimants who, having the 10th day of incapacity determined in the period, also had at any time prior to or within the period commenced a RTW plan.
% Starting a RTWP Percentage of claimants with >=10 days incapacity with a RTW Plan = (Number of claimants who, having had 10 or more days incapacity determined prior to the period, commenced a RTW plan that was determined in the period + Number of claimants who, having the 10th day of incapacity determined in the period, also had at any time prior to or within the period commenced a RTW plan divided by Number of claimants who, in the period, reached the 10th day of incapacity * 100.
Page last reviewed: 03 June 2022

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025