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51. Claims with a date of injury in the last four years (CIS report)

For: Employers and managers

This report is part of our Customer Information System (CIS).

About the report

  • Description: This report is a statement of accepted claims with a date of injury in the last four experience years.
  • Access level required: Case Management Detail Level Access.
  • Export options: .rtf, .pdf
  • Benefits: This report helps inform agencies of the costs of their employees' claims so that they can initiate appropriate action to contain those costs. As it is sorted by liable cost centre it can also be used by managers to identify injury levels and trends in particular workplaces.
  • Parameters: The report represents accepted claims with a date of injury within the last four calendar years.

Fields in the report

Table 1: Description of the fields in the Claims with a date of injury in the last four years report
Liable cost centre No. The number of the liable cost centre where the employee was injured. This can be cross referenced with report 22. Liable cost centres are supplied by the customer and the level of detail is dependent on the customers reporting needs.
Employee Name The name of the injured employee.
Claim Number The unique number that identifies a claim.
Claim StatusThe O - Open / C - Closed / R - Reopened status of the claim.
Date of Injury The date that claimants injury occurred.
NWE Stands for 'Normal Weekly Earnings'. This is the amount the claimant would normally earn in a week.
Incap Cost Refers to the total amount of incapacity.
Cost to date ($) The total of costs incurred on the claim as of yesterday.
Incap Status

The current incapacity status of the claim:

  • A -At work (claim open)
  • I -Incapacitated
  • G -Graduated return to work or partial incapacity
  • D -Deceased
  • C -At work claim closed
  • E -Error code treated as incapacity
  • F -Error code treated as at work.
Incap Transpired The number of calendar days lapsed, including week-ends, since the date the claimant's incapacity status last changed.
Incapacity Weeks The total number of incapacity weeks accrued as of yesterday.
Incap Duration The number of calendar days on benefit due to incapacity excluding the current spell.
Page last reviewed: 19 March 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025