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38. Rehabilitation expenditure (CIS report)

For: Employers and managers

This report is part of our Customer Information System (CIS).

About the report

  • Description: This report provides the customer with a representation of the amount of money being expended on rehabilitation in comparison with total costs to date.
  • Access level required: Case Management Detail level access.
  • Export options: .csv, .rtf, .pdf
  • Benefits: A simple comparison between the total cost of a claim and the amount spent on rehabilitation.
  • Parameters: This report represents accepted claims with a date of injury within the period chosen by the user.

Fields in the report

Table 1: Description of the fields in the Rehabilitation expenditure report
Section 36 Cost The sum of all costs associated with section 36 on the claim.
Section 37 Cost The sum of all costs associated with section 37 on the claim.
Total Rehab. Expenditure The sum of all rehabilitation costs on the claim.
Other Costs to Date The sum of all other costs not associated with rehabilitation on the claim.
Cost to date ($) The total of costs incurred on the claim as of yesterday.
Rehab as % of Cost to Date The total percentage that rehabilitation costs make up on the claims overall expenditure.
Page last reviewed: 03 June 2022

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025