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31. Customer data report - open claims (CIS report)

For: Employers and managers

This report is part of our Customer Information System (CIS).

About the report

  • Description: This report lists claim detail for all Open claims (with a status of O - Open and R - Reopened) for the selected agency.
  • Access level required: Case Management Detail level access.
  • Export options: .csv
  • Benefits: Containing the same data fields as report 66, this report displays only those claims with an Open or Reopened status, without having to export the entire Customer Data Report. This is of particular benefit for larger agencies for which the size of report 66 can be prohibitive.
  • Parameters: This report displays claims related data for open claims that the agency is liable for.

Fields in the report

Table 1: Description of the fields in the Customer data report - open claims
Surname Employee's surname.
Given Name/s Employee's given name/s.
Empl No A unique eight-digit claim identification number allocated by Comcare for each claimant.
Suffix A two-digit number identifying the claim sequence number, for example, if the claimant has had two previous claims then these last two digits of the claim number for their third claim would be 03.
Date Resignation/ Termination Date of effect if employee is no longer a Commonwealth employee.
Date of Birth Employee's date of birth.
Gender Employee's gender.
Post code The post code relevant to the claimant's address.
Date of Injury The specific date on which the claimed injury occurred or a disease was first medically diagnosed.
Comcare Receipt Date The date the claim was received by Comcare.
Liability Status

The current liability status for the injury or disease. This can change throughout the life of the claim—only the current value is listed.

Note—Premium calculation includes claims with a Liability Status of 'A' at the time of the data extraction for Likely Future Costs. The valid values for this field are:

  • A - Accepted—Liability has been accepted for this claim, for example medical claims etc. can be paid.
  • D - Deleted—Claim has been deleted.
  • N - Non-Compliance—Does not meet the requirements of the legislation, for example medical certificate missing, inadequate etc. Claims are received by Comcare (Date of Receipt), then when all legislative requirements for the claim are met the Date of Compliance is set. For most claims, Date of Compliance equals Date of Receipt.
  • R - Rejected—The claim is not accepted as a liability for Comcare, injury is not covered by the workers compensation Act.
  • U - Undetermined—Liability for a claim is yet to be determined by Comcare.
  • W - Withdrawn—The claimant has withdrawn the claim.
First/Last Decision Date Liability decision made by Comcare.
Claim Status The O - Open / C - Closed / R - Reopened status of the claim.
Status Date The date when the Claim Status field was last changed.
Liable Cust and Liable Cost Ctr Customer and cost centre liable for the injury. The current employer as at the 'Date of Injury'.
Payroll Cust and Payroll Cost Ctr This is the Comcare code for the current employer. This may or may not be the same as the code for the liable employer.
Case Manager Agency contact responsible for rehabilitation on claim.
Claim Manager Comcare contact responsible for the management of the claim.
First Rehab assessment Date of first rehabilitation assessment.
Month 5th day incap detd Month in which the 5th day of incapacity was determined.
Claim Lodged with Employer Date the claim was lodged with the liable employer.
Employee sign date Date the employee signed the claim form.
Agree with claim Does the employer agree with the claim.
Body Location
(code and description)
The Body Location of Injury/Disease classification is intended to identify the part of the body affected by the most serious injury or disease. These codes are based on the Type of Occurrence Classification System (TOOCS).
Nature of Injury
(code and description)
The Nature of Injury classification is intended to identify the most serious injury or disease sustained or suffered by the worker. These codes are based on the TOOCS.
(code and description)
The Occupation classification is intended to identify the occupation of the claimant at the time of the injury. These codes are based on the TOOCS. The codes reported in the CDS are the first two digits of the six-digit TOOCS code recorded by Comcare.
Agency of Accident (code and description) The Agency of Accident classification is intended to identify the object, substance, or circumstance that was principally involved in, or most closely associated with, the point at which things started to go wrong and which ultimately led to the most serious injury or disease. These codes are based on the TOOCS.
Mechanism of Incident
(code and description)
The Mechanism of Incident classification is intended to identify the action, exposure, or event, which was the direct cause of the most serious injury or disease. These codes are based on the TOOCS.
Duty Status The location of the employee in relation to their employment at the time of injury. Length: 1 character. The valid values for this field are:
A - working at usual workplace
B - traffic accident whilst working
C - while working elsewhere
D - while having a break
E - while travelling to or from work
F - while attending approved course of study
G - during an authorised sporting activity
H - other
J - home based work
K - engaged in employer approved activity
L - travelling for work purposes
X - all diseases.
Claim Cust Reference The employer's reference number for this claim (where applicable).
Payroll code The employer's internal payroll code for this claim.
Post Determination Start Date This is the day after the date in which the first currently accepted incapacity determination is made.
Total Weeks Incap Paid This is the total incapacity recorded against the claim. This field is the sum of all periods of incapacity to date. The calculation is based on standard hours worked and is expressed in decimal weeks.
NWE Normal Weekly Earnings of employee.
Total Incap This is the total cost of incapacity payments received from Comcare from 1 December 1988 to date.
Last Incap End DateLast day of incapacity based on the most recent certificate.
Total Medical This is the total cost of medical payments from 1 December 1988 to date.
Total Other This is the total of all payments not specified elsewhere from 1 December 1988 to date. This amount includes AAT and legal costs.
Total Travel This is the total cost of travel payments from 1 December 1988 to date.
Total Rehab This is the total cost of rehabilitation payments from 1 December 1988 to date excluding any GST amount claimable by Comcare as an Input Tax Credit.
Costs to Date This is the sum of Total Incapacity, Total Medical, Total Subsequent, Total Travel and Total Rehab excluding any GST amount claimable by Comcare as an Input Tax Credit.
Likely Future Costs Actuarial assessment of the possible future costs of the claim for the life of that claim. This total uses the most recent case estimates. 
AGS No Employee's AGS number.
Secondary Condition Indicates whether a secondary condition has been approved.
Third party recoveries Where an employee is involved in a compensable injury involving a third party, the employee or Comcare may seek damages from the third party on behalf of the employee.
Resignation reason Reason for leaving. For example, invalidity retirement or voluntary redundancy.
Exposure Flag The claim was the result of pre-1 December 1988 exposure.
Exposure Date Pre-1 December 1988 exposure date.
Incurred CostsThe total of costs incurred on the claim as of yesterday.
Total cost at date of latest case estimate Total Cost of claim as at the date of the latest case estimate. This is the sum of Total Incapacity, Total Medical, Total Subsequent, Total Travel and Total Rehab excluding any GST amount claimable by Comcare as an Input Tax Credit. Case Estimates are usually available two to three months after the end of each month.
Page last reviewed: 19 March 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025