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22. Cost centre structure report (CIS report)

For: Employers and managers

This report is part of our Customer Information System (CIS).

About the report

  • Description: This report provides details on the Agency's cost centre structure and associated contacts reflected on Comcare's database system.
  • Access level required: Management level access.
  • Export options: .pdf and .rtf
  • Benefits: This report will assist customers in identifying cost centres for allocation to claims and subsequent targeted reporting. It will also assist in maintaining current contact details.
  • Parameters: Represents all active cost centres and their relationships.

Fields in the report

Table 1: Description of the fields in the Cost centre structure report
Level No. This number denotes which level in the hierarchy the cost centre sits. If you think of the hierarchy like an organisational chart, the cost centres that have a level number of 1 would be the top level of the structure and then subsequently the cost centres with number 2 would be below.
Parent CC No. This denotes the relationships between the cost centres. The parent cost centre number listed identifies which cost centre is above this one in the structure.
CC No. This is the unique identifier, as generated by Comcare, of the cost centre.
CC name 1 The name of the cost centre. Only cost centres that are level 1 cost centres have their name in this field.
CC name 2 The name of the cost centre. Only cost centres that are level 2 cost centres have their name in this field.
CC name 3 The name of the cost centre. Only cost centres that are level 3 cost centres have their name in this field.
CC name 4 The name of the cost centre. Only cost centres that are level 4 cost centres have their name in this field.
CC name 5+ The name of the cost centre. Only cost centres that are level 5 cost centres have their name in this field.
CC Short Name The abbreviated name for the cost centre.
Cust. Ref The reference supplied by the customer for the individual cost centre.
Liable Ind. Can only be 2 values 'Y' = the cost centre can be registered as the liable cost centre on a claim. 'N' = The cost centre cannot be used as a liable cost centre.
Payroll Ind. Can only be 2 values 'Y' = the cost centre can be registered as the payroll cost centre on a claim. 'N' = The cost centre cannot be used as a payroll cost centre. The payroll cost centre receives various reports on incapacity determinations.
Chq Rec. Ind Can only be 2 values 'Y' = the cost centre can be registered as the cheque receiving cost centre on a claim. 'N' = The cost centre cannot be used as a cheque receiving cost centre. The cheque receiving cost centre receives cheques and remittance advice.
Title The title of the contact on the cost centre.
Given Name/s The given name/s of the contact on the cost centre.
Surname The surname of the contact on the cost centre.
Phone The phone number of the contact on the cost centre.
Mail address The mail address of the contact on the cost centre.
Page last reviewed: 03 June 2022

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025