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2. Prevention and rehabilitation performance summary (CIS report)

For: Employers and managers

This report is part of our Customer Information System (CIS).

About the report

  • Description: This report provides a snapshot view of claim numbers, delays and costs.
  • Access level required: Management level access
  • Export options: .pdf, .rtf
  • Benefits: A quick overview of claim statistics regarding claim numbers, time lost, costs, Return to Work and claim lodgement delays for the last completed quarter, previous year and previous four years. This report also directs the user to more specific reports on each topic.

Fields in the report

Table 1: Description of the fields in the Prevention and rehabilitation performance summary report
Period Reflects the performance of claims accepted in the four years to 30 June of the previous financial year.
One year data reflects the performance of claims accepted in the previous financial year.
Last quarter data reflects the performance of claims accepted for the latest completed quarter. Due to the lack of maturity of claims determined in this period, this data should be viewed with caution and should not be used in isolation to inform any assessment of a change in an agency's performance.
Claims accepted includes all claims for which Comcare issued a determination accepting liability. This includes claims that were accepted following reconsideration or review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Number of claims Counts all claims accepted by Comcare in the specified period/s.
This number can be used to calculate your agency's claim frequency. Divide the number of accepted claims by $ (millions) payroll for your agency.
Number of lost time injury claims A subset of the number of claims. Counts the claims that have recorded one shift or more time away from the workplace due to a compensated injury.
This number can be used to calculate your agency's lost time frequency rate. Divide the number of lost time injury claims by the total number of hours worked by all agency employees in the period and multiply by 1,000,000. The total number of hours worked can be derived from the actual hours worked or from the number of hours of paid work, less a notional estimate for leave hours.
Average cost of claims Calculated by dividing the total cost of claims accepted in the specified period/s by the number of claims accepted in the period/s. Claim costs in this report represent claims accepted in the period with any date of injury and are not limited to claims with a date of injury in the last quarter, year or 4 yearly period.
Average time taken to lodge claims Measures the average number of calendar days taken for claims to be forwarded to Comcare from a date of injury. This measure only includes claims determined by Comcare in the specified period/s and excludes any claim received by Comcare 1,000 calendar days or more after the date of injury.
Number of claims reaching the 5th day of lost time / Number of claims reaching the 30th day of lost time / Number of claims reaching the 60th day of lost time Number of claims reaching the 5th, 30th and 60th days of lost time count claims that recorded the 5th, 30th or 60th cumulative calendar days of incapacity entitlement in the specified period/s.
This measure counts all claims with an incapacity entitlement recorded in the period/s, irrespective of the date of injury, the date the claim was received or determined or length of the period of incapacity entitlement.
Percentage of claims with a new Return-to-work plan Measures (%) the number of claims that have had 10 or more days incapacity determined, who commenced a Return-to-Work plan determined either in the period or prior to the 10th day of incapacity being determined.
The percentage is calculated by dividing this count by the total number of claims that recorded the 10th cumulative calendar day of incapacity entitlement in the specified period/s.
Quality of return to work Counts the number of claimants who actually returned to work at the end of a Return-to-Work plan. This measure only includes Return-to-Work plans with an end date in the specified period/s. It exclude claims where the Return-to-Work plan has been amended to extend the initial end date.
Page last reviewed: 19 March 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025