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13. T4 - average weeks for return to work activity to commence (CIS report)

For: Employers and managers

This report is part of our Customer Information System (CIS).

About the report

  • Description: This report displays the average time taken (in calendar weeks) from date of injury to the date the first rehabilitation assessment service is provided. It also shows how performance needs to improve in order to reach the target of two weeks or less by 30 June 2012.
  • Access level required: Management level access (Drill down functionality requires Case Manager Detail Level Access).
  • Export options: .pdf, .rtf
  • Benefits: This report measures early intervention performance for each financial year. When viewed online, this report allows the user to drill down into the details of a claim affecting a column on the chart. The report itself allows agencies to track time lost and assess performance against the target indicator.
  • Parameters: This report displays the average amount of time between claims injury date and its first rehabilitation service date in each financial year. The rehabilitation service date is defined by the first s36 service date in our claims management database. The target is set at 2 weeks for all agencies.

Fields in the report

Table 1: Description of the fields in the T4 - average weeks for return to work activity to commence report
Month or year The period other fields within report relate to.
Avg wks to RTW activity Claims that have had and we have recorded the first S36 service date minus Date of Injury divided by total number of claims that have had the first S36 service date in the financial year.
Target wks The goal number of incapacity weeks to meet the Comcare 2012 targets. Report 32.T3 the target is a 40% reduction over 10 years. In report 33.T4 the target is to reach 2 weeks by 2012, some claims are excluded from this calculation such as claims with over 1000 days difference between their S36 service date and date of injury.
Page last reviewed: 03 June 2022

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 27 Mar 2025