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Undertaking to deliver national WHS initiatives

13 March 2025

Waste management company Cleanaway will spend more than $900,000 on safety measures across its national operations following an incident that caused serious injuries to a Canberra worker.

Through a WHS Undertaking accepted by Comcare, Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd will complete a range of initiatives over the next two years in lieu of prosecution under the Commonwealth Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act).

In the ACT Magistrates Court, the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions has formally withdrawn the single Category 2 WHS Act charge which carried a maximum penalty of $1.5 million.

Comcare’s General Manager of Regulatory Operations, Justin Napier, said the WHS Undertaking would strengthen safety systems and outcomes.

'The initiatives set out in the legally binding undertaking are tangible, measurable and achievable,' Mr Napier said.

'This is an appropriate enforcement outcome that will deliver benefits to Cleanaway workplaces, the waste management industry and the community.'

Cleanaway has committed to completing programs over 27 months including:

  • A virtual reality application in driver safety training in heavy vehicles and mobile plant for drivers to gain competency in waste collection and landfill operations.
  • New detection technology to reduce risks to pedestrians and cyclists around heavy vehicles, particularly side-loading waste vehicles.
  • A targeted public education campaign, in partnership with local councils, aimed at reducing incorrect battery disposal in residential waste bins to reduce fire risk.

The incident that led to the WHS Undertaking happened on 4 June 2021 at Cleanaway’s waste and recycling depot in Hume, ACT. A worker’s hand was caught in a machine that compresses cardboard and plastics into bales while he was performing routine maintenance, causing multiple fractures and lacerations to his fingers.

It was alleged the company failed to provide a safe system of work and training. Following the incident, Cleanaway carried out remedial measures to minimise risks with the baling machine and agreed to the broader safety initiatives in the WHS Undertaking.

Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd is a licensed national employer in the Comcare scheme and subject to regulation under Commonwealth work health and safety laws.


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Page last reviewed: 13 March 2025

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1300 366 979 |

Date printed 15 Mar 2025