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Regulatory update - removal of a plant registration condition

31 August 2021

Comcare recently invited stakeholders to make a submission on the proposed removal of the imposed condition on all plant registrations that 'a registration holder must notify Comcare annually of any maintenance, repair, inspection or testing of an item of plant'.

In accordance with regulation 283 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (WHS Regulations), Comcare has considered the submissions received and has decided to cease the condition to submit annual plant maintenance notifications to Comcare from 1 October 2021.

Notwithstanding the removal of the condition, Comcare can request evidence that the plant is appropriately registered, maintained, inspected and if necessary, tested in accordance with the WHS Regulations at any time.

For more information, Comcare has developed a factsheet (PDF, 669.5 KB) about the condition removal with further details around plant risk factors, legal requirements, reasons for the change and next steps.

Page last reviewed: 30 August 2021

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1300 366 979 |

Date printed 03 Jul 2024