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Companies charged over NorthLink incident (Media release)

06 February 2019

Construction company John Holland and two contractors are facing federal work health and safety charges over an incident that injured a worker at Perth’s NorthLink road project.

The charges follow an investigation by Commonwealth work health and safety regulator Comcare.

Workers were moving a load of steel posts with a telescopic handler at a section of the project on Tonkin Highway in Morley when the incident happened on 1 February 2017.

A worker was walking beside the vehicle and attempting to stabilise the load when the telescopic handler struck him in the leg, causing severe fractures. He was treated at Joondalup hospital.

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions has filed a total of four charges in the Magistrates Court of Western Australia against John Holland Pty Ltd, Omega Constructions Pty Ltd and Universal Reo Pty Ltd.

There is one charge each against John Holland and Omega Constructions and two against Universal Reo, alleging the companies failed in their duties under the Commonwealth Work Health and Safety Act 2011.

All charges are Category 2 offences under the WHS Act, each carrying a maximum penalty of $1.5 million. The charges relate to alleged failures in providing safe systems of work and instruction.

John Holland was the principal contractor for the southern section of NorthLink and contracted Omega Constructions for the project. The injured worker was employed by Universal Reo, a sub-contractor to Omega.

The matter is listed for mention in the Magistrates Court in Perth on 15 March.

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0478 305 675

Page last reviewed: 15 December 2019

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Date printed 27 Mar 2025