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National Safe Work Month 2023

This year for National Safe Work Month, we are focusing on the theme:  For everyone’s safety, work safely.

We have free events and resources to help you

Every October, we support Safe Work Australia’s National Safe Work Month. This year we are asking workers and employers to commit to safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians.

Each week we will focus on themes to promote and enable healthy and safe work with free webinars, virtual events and resources listed below.

Safe Work Month 2023 program

  • Psychosocial Health and Safety Forum

    10 October 2023

    The program features Beyond Blue CEO Georgie Harman and Comcare CEO Greg Vines discussing mental health challenges in the workplace. It includes updates on the regulatory landscape, and approaches to address vicarious trauma and other hazards. An expert panel will share lessons from applied practice.

    Recording now available
  • Transport Network Forum

    17 October 2023

    Comcare’s Transport Network Forum is an industry led forum focused on workplace health and safety in the transport industry. This year's event will feature representatives from Linfox, the Monash University Accident Research Centre and La Trobe University.

    Recording now available
  • Body stressing, musculoskeletal disorders and Good Work Design

    26 October 2023

    Join us for an informative webinar with Comcare leaders and Professor Jodi Oakman from La Trobe University, to discuss body stressing, musculoskeletal disorders and Good Work Design for strategies to create safer and healthier work.

    Recording now available

Working together to manage risks at work

Every workplace has its own set of unique risks and hazards, which is why it is important to have a comprehensive system in place to manage them. Whether you are a worker, HSR, manager or supervisor, we can all help to prevent and manage risks.

  • Managing risks in the workplace
    Risk management: A snapshot.

    Find out more
  • Preventing harm and injury at work
    It's important to understand risk and recognise hazards so you can prevent harm and injury in the workplace.

    Learn more
  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011
    The WHS Act provides the framework to protect the health, safety and welfare of all workers.

    Find out more

Working together to protect workers’ mental health

Working in a safe environment is essential for everyone's wellbeing, and mental health is no exception. A healthy and safe workplace provides structure and purpose, a sense of identity, and opportunities to develop skills and increased feelings of self-worth.

We all have a role to play in supporting mentally healthy workplaces. Everyone has an obligation in the workplace to:

  • comply with reasonable health and safety instructions
  • take reasonable care of their own psychological and physical health and safety
  • take reasonable care that their actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons.
  • co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure relating to health and safety.

Psychosocial hazards are aspects of work which have the potential to cause psychological harm, whether or not it may also cause physical harm. These can include, but are not limited to, bullying, job demands, poor support, remote and isolated work and poor organisational change management.

To learn more, access Safe Work Australia's Model Code of Practice on managing psychosocial hazards at work.

Officers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act), have a duty to create systematic approaches to the prevention and management of hazards in the workplace. This is known as ‘due diligence’ which includes taking reasonable steps to undertake the following actions.

  • Acquire and update knowledge of health and safety matters
  • Understand operations and associated hazards and risks
  • Ensure appropriate resources and processes are in place to eliminate or minimise risks
  • Ensure appropriate processes are in place to receive and respond promptly to information regarding incidents, hazards and risks
  • Ensure processes are in place and are used for complying with duties and obligations under the WHS Act, such as consultation.

Guidance, resources and tools are available to help you foster mentally healthy workplaces.

  • Supporting mentally healthy workplaces
    Learn more about supporting employee mental health.

    Learn more
  • Minimising psychosocial hazards
    Information on psychosocial hazards and how to minimise them.

    Learn more
  • Mental Notes stigma awareness project
    Resources to reduce mental health-related stigma and improve psychological wellbeing in the workplace.

    Find out more

Working together to support all workers

Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy working environment. We know however, that some workers are more vulnerable to WHS hazards. Factors known to affect workers' WHS vulnerability include being younger, working alone, being from a cultural and linguistically diverse background or working in a more complex contractual chain (e.g. labour hire). This highlights the importance of effective consultation and communication with workers as part of the risk management process and an effective workplace health and safety management system.

Getting work health and safety right, along with early intervention delivers many benefits to people and organisations. These include improved health and wellbeing, greater productivity, higher performance, increased job satisfaction, greater work participation and social inclusion, increased individual, team and organisational resilience, lower absenteeism, fewer injuries and workers’ compensation claims, faster return to work and lower workers’ compensation premiums.

  • Early intervention
    Intervene early and know the warning signs.

    Learn more

  • Your role
    Find out the role you play and your responsibilities under work health and safety, and workers' compensation laws.

    Learn more

  • Workplace health and safety management system
    Policies, procedures and plans to systematically manage health and safety at work.

    Find out more

Working together to ensure a safe and healthy workplace

Good Work Design is important to prevent harm to health and safety, promote health and wellbeing and to support work participation and productivity. Managers and supervisors play a key role in designing and delivering good work in the workplace.

There is strong evidence that participating in good work is good for mental and physical health and wellbeing.

  • Benefits of safe and healthy work
    A safe and healthy workplace is one where employers and employees work together to support and promote health and safety at work.

    Learn more

  • Creating a safe and healthy workplace
    A safe and healthy workplace is one where employers and employees work together to support and promote health and safety at work.

    Read more
  • Good Work Design
    Good work is good for you. The design of our work affects the way we feel and can influence our motivation, engagement and stress levels at work.

    Learn more

Previous recordings and resources

Visit Comcare’s YouTube channel for video resources on all things Workplace Health and Safety and be sure to check out recordings and resources from previous Safe Work Month events.

Watch now
Page last reviewed: 16 September 2023

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1300 366 979 |

Date printed 03 Jul 2024