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Commonwealth Child Safe Framework - Statement of Compliance

Comcare is committed to promoting and maintaining a culture that provides a safe environment for children and young people in alignment with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework (the Framework).

Comcare is a government regulator, workers’ compensation insurer, claims manager and scheme administrator. Our core activities are to work with employees and other workers, employers, service providers and other organisations to minimise the impact of harm in the workplace, improve recovery at work and return to work, and promote the health benefits of good work. Comcare has minimal activities, including third-party funded activities, that directly involve children.

In accordance with the requirements of the Framework, Comcare has undertaken an annual risk assessment of our activities to evaluate the risk of harm to children and young people. Our current overall residual risk rating for child-safety related risks is low, based on the premise that Comcare officials do not work directly with children and there is no current or planned engagement with children.

As part of our commitment to child safety Comcare will continue to implement identified treatments and/or strategies that improve the safety and wellbeing of children and/or young people as well as embedding awareness and building a child safe culture and practice.

Comcare recognises that managing child safety is an ongoing process and will regularly review the risks, impacts, and controls we have in place to manage risks appropriately.

Page last reviewed: 06 November 2023

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 14 Mar 2025