Access to our Brisbane, Canberra and Melbourne offices is currently restricted. To visit us at these locations, call 1300 366 979 to arrange an appointment.

Support for injured workers and bereaved families

For: Claimants Advocates Information seekers

The Family Liaison Officer can help seriously injured workers, and bereaved families who have lost a loved one in a workplace incident, to understand and navigate the processes involved with investigating and prosecuting workplace incidents.

The Family Liaison Officer (FLO) is available to provide you with information about Comcare work health and safety regulatory processes and to assist with connecting you to  support services to help you during this time.

The liaison service is separate from any workers’ compensation processes related to an incident.

Contact the FLO

Your engagement with the FLO is voluntary, and when and how they communicate is negotiated to work best for you.

To contact the FLO, call 1300 366 979 or email

Interpreter service

If you need an interpreter to speak with us or to help translate information on this website, call the Translation and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450.

Information guides

A series of information guides is available that you and other family members can access following a workplace incident. These guides explain what might happen after a workplace incident.

Support following a workplace incident

Who might contact you following a workplace incident

Comcare investigation and prosecution processes

Support services

After a life-changing workplace incident, you and your family may need support. There are free and independent support services available to help you.

Crisis support

  • 13YARN offers 24/7 phone support from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis workers.
    Call 13 92 76
  • 1800 Respect offers 24/7 online chat and telephone counselling, information and referral services for people impacted by domestic violence, family violence and/or sexual assault.
    Call 1800 737 732
  • Australian Defence Force (ADF) All-hours support line offers 24/7 support for ADF members and their families.
    Call 1800 628 036
  • Beyond Blue offers 24/7 phone and webchat counselling support.
    Call 1300 224 636
  • Grief Australia offers online resources, referrals to counsellors in your local area and they have a downloadable app MyGrief to support you through the grieving process.
    Call 1800 642 066
  • Griefline offers phone support between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday (AEDT) for people experiencing grief.
    Call 1300 847 745
  • Kids Helpline offers 24/7 phone, webchat and email support for young people aged 5 to 25 years of age.
    Call 1800 551 800
  • Lifeline offers 24/7 phone, webchat and text counselling service for people experiencing a crisis.
    Call 13 11 14
  • Mensline offers 24/7 phone and webchat counselling for men.
    Call 1300 789 978
  • Suicide Call Back Service offers 24/7 phone and webchat counselling support for people affected by suicide.
    Call 1300 659 467
  • The Compassionate Friends are based in Queensland but offer a nationwide 24-hour phone support service for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents.
    Call 1300 064 068
  • The Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) offers advocates for benefits, treatment and the welfare of ex-service and serving members of the Australian Defence Force.
  • Thirrili offers 24/7 Indigenous suicide support service for families impacted by a loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents.
    Call 1800 805 801

New South Wales

  • National Association for Loss and Grief (NALAG NSW) provides a free, confidential, grief and loss support service across NSW, delivered by their team of trained volunteers and staff.
    Call 02 6882 9222
  • The National Centre for Childhood Grief offers in person counselling, and support groups for bereaved children in NSW.
    Call 1300 654 556
  • Solace Australia NSW provides grief support for people grieving the death of their partner.
    Call 02 9519 2820
  • RSL NSW is a member-based charity providing support to veterans and their families and connecting veterans in need to an array of services.
    Call 02 9264 8188

Northern Territory

  • RSL SA and NT cares for the health and well-being of the Service and Ex-Service community.
    Call 08 8100 7300


  • Solace Australia Qld provides grief support for people grieving the death of their partner.
    Call 04 2944 7032
  • RSL Queensland provides a broad range of welfare and wellbeing services to all veteran families in Queensland.
    Call 134 775

South Australia

  • Solace Australia SA provides grief support for people grieving the death of their partner.
    Call 08 8272 4334
  • RSL SA and NT cares for the health and well-being of the Service and Ex-Service community.
    Call 08 8100 7300


  • RSL Tasmania advocates for the best possible conditions for our serving men and women and for those who have served the nation in the past.
    Call 03 6242 8900


  • RSL Victoria provides the best possible support & services to all generations of Veterans in Victoria.
    Call 03 9655 5555

Western Australia

  • The Grief Centre of WA offers grief counselling, support groups, workshops and online resources for people living with grief.
    Call 0404 658 052
  • RSL WA supports serving and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force and their families and is the voice for veterans in Western Australia.
    Call 08 9287 3799
  • The Coronial Counselling Information Service WA provide information and counselling support throughout the Coronial process between 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
    Call 08 9425 2900
  • Active Response Bereavement Outreach (ARBOR)  offers short-medium term grief counselling, practical and emotional support, referrals and support groups to people impacted by losing loved ones to suicide.
    Call 1300 114 446
  • Solace Australia WA provides grief support for people grieving the death of their partner.
    Call 0488 991 084

Financial support

Australian Capital Territory

  • Canberra Community Directory is a free online directory for community members to access community services in the ACT, helping people find the organisations and support they need.

New South Wales

Northern Territory

  • NT Community is a free online directory for community members to access community services in the NT, helping people find the organisations and support they need.


  • Salvation Army Doorways provides emergency relief and holistic case management with referral to internal and external support services.

South Australia


  • Uniting Vic Tas emergency relief services offer practical resources and a listening ear from someone who cares.


  • Anglicare Victoria emergency relief centres provide immediate assistance including groceries, clothing, medication, financial assistance and counselling services.

Western Australia

  • WA Connect is a website that allows you to search for financial support that is located near you. App also available to download.
  • Legal Aid state and territory offices provide independent information, legal advice and support to the public.

Australian Capital Territory

  • Canberra Community Law is a community legal centre providing legal services to people on low incomes or facing other disadvantages in Canberra and its regions.

New South Wales

  • LawAccess NSW is a free government telephone services that provides legal information, advice and referrals for people who have a legal problem in NSW.
    Call 1300 888 529

Northern Territory

  • NT Legal Aid Commission provides legal services to Territorians with offices in Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.  You can get free and confidential legal information, referral to other services and legal advice.
    Call 1800 019 343


  • Community Legal Centres Queensland provide free information, legal assistance and referral, representation and casework, community education and advocacy for vulnerable clients and communities facing legal problems.

South Australia

  • The Legal Services Commission of South Australia provides free preliminary information, advice and referrals. The legal chat and phone service are available from 9:00 am to 4.30 pm CST Monday to Friday except for public holidays.
    The 24Legal web portal provides information on a number of legal topics to help you find answers to your questions.
    Call 1300 366 424



Western Australia

  • WA Connect is a website that allows you to search for legal support that is located near you. App also available to download.

About the Family Support Framework

Comcare is committed to supporting workers and families who have been affected by a workplace incident in our jurisdiction resulting in a serious injury or death.

We are continually strengthening the way we engage with injured workers and their families, and the families of workers who have died in a workplace incident, to ensure that our approach is coordinated, collaborative and effective.

Four green icons on a white background representing the words 'Connect', 'Build Trust', 'Collaborate' and 'Empower


Your feedback is important to us and can help improve the Family Support Framework.

To give feedback about this service you can:

All feedback is treated with sensitivity and in accordance with the Privacy Act and our Privacy Policy.

Page last reviewed: 19 March 2024

GPO Box 9905, Canberra, ACT 2601
1300 366 979 |

Date printed 26 Mar 2025